Hadelmia MMORPG


Alpha 2 Testing Starts in:

Currently working on: Alpha 2
7 % Done


Version - Optimization and the last update to Alpha 1!

-All around optimization.
-Movement and FPS during it, are now totally smooth.
-Removed alot of old useless code what slowed things down and created glithes on interface.
-Iteminfopanel handling is now much faster and doesn't cause so much blinking and such.

Alpha Version

-Fixed boss spawning.

Alpha Version

-Market now show item information on same like panel as on inventory when hovering over an item.
-Market is now automatically opening sub categories of items like on armors and weapons when selecting main category.
-Market selected category is now highlighted.
-Market is now showing menu with mouse right click on item, only containd buy option for now...
-Npc infopanel doesnt blink anymore.
-Fixed level up panel wrong attribute point calculation after spending one.
-New tree GFX! Thanks @Spacebats.

Alpha Version

-You can now put 2-99 same item types on crafting queue.
-Hit ratings and bonuses are now showing on hitratings window.
-Clearer font.
-Fixes to level up panel.

Alpha Version

-Overhauled way the server and client handle commands over net.
-Crafting exploit fixes.
-Pets will stop fighting if their master gets killed.
-Fixes to pet control panel.
-Remade some components on skill progress window, and fixed lots of text offset problems.
-Changes and fixes to magical item too high bonus values after identify in some cases.
-Fixed pets OP attack speed.
-Updated UI component library to latest version.
-Forcing to full UI reset on first start of this version to maybe repair problems on some players.

Alpha Version

-Fixed wrong price when buying item from market.
-When selling stack of items you get moneys for full stack and not for 1 item.
-Fixed bug when market loading text stayed forever.
-Fixed one server crash when selling item.
-Items are now decaying 10 times slower when on ground.
-Making Item info panel height more constant and high enough to show all stats on magical items.

Alpha Version

-Optimized market loading, it's now pretty much instant.
-Relocated some overlapping text on item info on market screen.
-Lowered concentration skill book requirements for reading and price.
-Fixed map exploration not saving when quitting client from menu.

Alpha Version

-Adjustments to nightcycle and visibility...again.

Alpha Version

-Fixed pets disappearing on server restart.
-Fixed pet options not enabling after player relog.
-Fixed pets having wrong image on first login.
-Fixed pets not having command panel after relogging.
-Hopefully fixed other mobs wrong images sometimes.
-Fixed stat points + buttons offset on level up screen.

Alpha Version

-Map exploration. Minimap doesn't show areas you have not explored yet.
-Some adjustments to light radius and visibility.

Alpha Version

-Fixed server time clock
-Fixed Saturation and Brightness modifiers on Settings panel

Alpha Version

** Skills:**
-Changed skill gain formula so skill can gain more than 0.1 per gain, formula is making bigger gains harder as skill is raising. Reason for this is preventing too heavy grinding/farming to get something to do with the skill.
-Changed Mental skill category to Spiritual, Profession to Arts and Biology/nature to Ranger category.
-Changed skill category texts on skill window so you really can see the difference to other texts.

** Pets:**
-Changed ALL animals to tameable.
-Fixed pet renaming not allowing characters like ÅÄÖ.
-Fixed pet name being "Standard mechanical trap" lol, after relog.

** Other:**
-Fixed Windows magnet throwing window to bottom of screen when moving them to screen up border. This generally fixes whole window snapping to borders and other windows.
-Decreased damage taken by weapon when hitting something.
-Timer config on Settings is now saved now.
-Procedure for region and localization on both Client and Server allows to change any regional format and setting inside the game(This will make sure every player is using same settings and any error caused by different OS settings doesn't happen anymore).
-Some fixes on account management email system.

Alpha Version

-Optimization of MySQL connection on server side, effect mostly noticeable on market items loading.
-Fixed other player chat bubbles.
-Moved Defending skill to right category.
-Removed reCAPTCHA on Account Management due to glitches on it. Let Cloudflare handle these things.
-Added Animal Taming skill book on market.
-Moved Window Size button on Latency windows a bit left.

Alpha Version

-Fixed errors happening with right click item menu on certain situations.

Alpha Version

-Fixed permission error on launch.

Alpha Version

-Fixed main executable icon, version info and copyrights.

Alpha Version

-Fixed id scroll.
-Fixed right click item menu.
-Changed fonts on many places much more clearer one.
-Fixed some inventory refreshing problems.
-Fixed Hadelmia not starting with elevated privileges.
-Testing new Hadelmia_Installer building software, Actual Installer.

Alpha Version

-Game is now compatible with localizations with , decimal symbol (fixes super moving speed error for example).
-Full unicode support, every symbol i tested works as it should. This is probably giving support for languages with other than than Latin-script based ones too.
-Added server time on chat panel.
-Increased chat font size a bit.
-Updated game to use latest OpenGL 4.6 version.
-Fixed Writing skillbook not appearing in market item list.
-Fixed chats unicode symbols get messed up when you minimize Hadelmia window.

Alpha Version

-Fixed mining.
-Fixed face to face trading infinite looping and crash.
-Some info memo color fixes again.

Alpha Version

-Fixed stuttering "lag" when moving towards to right edge, this was worst at sewers.
-Monster spawn optimizations.

Alpha Version

-Fixed other players body and hair not showing.
-Other players will now show up right away when they have logged in (before they had to move first).
-Fixed access violation errors when other player logged in.
-Support for 128 channel (should be enough :D) sounds and music. Using the Bass library.
-Included Bass and OGG sound file format DLL's in the installer and update for future use.
-Removed "Disconnected" message box when client is normally closed down.
-Prevent very bad things from happening if other player equipped a torch.
-Other player's torch will now luminate surroundings for you too.
-Strengthened website session ID security against possible(very unlikely) third party HTTP only cookie reading on client side by setting Secure flag for them and only processed on server side. Site already was HTTPS only and end to end encrypted, but better to be sure than sorry.
-Improved updater.exe some.

Alpha Version

-Fixed mistake on ability assigning and using on hot bar. (assign abilities again if you have any problems with them).
-Added Writing skill book to market.

Alpha Version

-Item descriptions (haven't finished all item descriptions yet due to many new bug fixing came along).
-Added item type to item info panel.
-Fixed alchemy tool.
-Fixed info memo colors for crafting results.
-Fixed server side infinite crafting result loop when player disconnect while crafting an item and crafting finished without player being online.
-Fixed ability hot bar popup menu causing character not able to move.
-Fixed ability progress bar to stay visible when ability has already trickered.
-More null checks on server side to prevent access violations.

Alpha Version

-Changed values and names of spell penalties and bonuses to be clearer for player.
-Fixed hair colors (ingame color was not the same as you selected on list when creating a character).

Alpha Version

-Forgot gfx data file including new hairstyle graphics...

Alpha Version

-Fixed wood cutting infinite loop when deposit is depleted.
-Fixed taming loop when taming result is failure.
-Taming is happening through right click menu on mobs.
-Possible fix for character not able to move bug after repairing item.
-Added 4 new hairstyles and made a list for all hairstyles (this is due to future barber feature).

Alpha Version

-Even better performance for inventory (It doesn't have to redraw it on every timer tick, just when something is changing), this can cause some flickering, let me know.
-Fixed missing crafting item slot.
-Fixed using a smith hammer not opening a blacksmith menu.
-Clearer yellow indicator for selected item on inventory.
-Log memo is not writing some info messages with black font on black background anymore...

Alpha Version

-Overhauled inventory panel to use Graphic32 library drawing and graphic handling, Whole UI and especially Items are now much more responsive, and even FPS seems to be steady max 50, also inventory doesn't flicker or blink anymore.
-Fixed gathering professions, [shift + left mouse click] should work again, skinning is just right click on corpse.
-Clearer quality indicators for items on inventory.
-Fixed not able to move after repairing item.
-Other UI and glitch fixes.

Alpha Version

-Fixed market screen go foobar when selling items.
-Fixed latency indicator.
-Added 2 more timer systems to be selected on settings panel, timer setting doesn't save yet so you have to change it on every client load (let me know how they work ore differs for you).
-Allow game screen to be wider and higher for bigger screens.

Alpha Version

-Fixed Buying items from market (It was a mess on server side code, rewrote function due to its stupidity and oldness).
-Solution to prevent players to buy or sell items at market while its still loading items.
-Possible fix for other players only visually showing just gear/cloths, but not body.
-Fixed still one bug in Updater, which could make it to fail on updating the client.
-Prevent Market NPC to be clicked when Market List is already Open (Aka do not refresh list for no reason when its already loaded).
-Login and Password are now encrypted with AES-128 inside the system.cfg (Thanks Cleonis for spotting this!).
-Lots of other minor UI glitch and annoyance fixes.

Alpha Version

-Fixed updater.
-Overhauled updater UI

Alpha First Release

-True asynchronous threaded function calls on server and client side (This will be a huge performance boost when tons of network data and calls are happening).
-FASTMM4 memory manager for client and server.
-Network data is now encrypted with 64bit key + data is compressed end to end for client and server. Can help with memory editor cheats.
-Updated OpenGL to latest 4.6 version
-Wiki is back in business, still a lot to add there, but its something. Link is on menu.

Pre-Alpha Final Release

-Fixed few Merchant/Market related bugs.

-Time based crafting, higher tier and better items takes more time to craft. Done
-Added Crafting slot to inventory. Done
-Tool quality effects to craft success chance. Done

-Herb spawning. Done

-Fixed log(info) screen announce when item takes damage. Done
-New resources to gather and produce and new items to craft. Partially Done

1. Leather
2. Thick Leather
3. Iklorika(some herb for testing the herbalism system)
4. Tannery Tools
5. Tinker Tools

-Tools can wear out now (get condition loss). Done
-Time based wear out for utilities like torches. Done
-Merchants will resell items they buy from players as decent quality level. Done
-Balanced items buy and sell prices. Partially Done
-City resource stock. Resources will be saved in database. Done
-City will be using the stock resources to build more weapons, tools and such. Not yet started
-When player sell resource to vendor it goes to city stock. Done
-You can see city resources by interacting with the Settler. Done
-Gleene(Currency) is now indicated with Ǥ character instead of gl. Done

Inventory and Interface
-Fixed double click use/equip on inventory. Done
-Added Missiles(Ammunition) slot to inventory for future use. Done
-Added item Destroy option to right click inventory menu. Done
-Get rid off inventory flickering problems. Done
-List based market screen, instead of old and clumsy vendor interface. Done
-Fixed crafting menus top order problem(stayed on top when switched out of hadelmia). Done
-Fixed flickering problem when changing main screen to active and off. Done
-Cleared theme/skin names, and removed (internal) text from them. Done

-Added Herbalism skill(you can now collect the herbs). Done
-Added Avoiding skill(will increase your dodge rating). Done
-Added Tinkering skill(for tools and such). Done
-Added Tanning skill(for making leathers from hides). Done
-Added Efficiency skill(decreases overall crafting time). Done
-Added multiplier(difficulty) to skills, which determinates total amount of points needed for theory skilling. Done
-Changed name of the Lumberjacking skill to Wood Cutting. Done

-Highly improved visuals on lights. Done
-Fixed terrible flickering on "blank" map tiles what happened in dungeons especially. Done

Other updates and fixes
-Fixed static spawned NPC's/Gameobject's spawn failure in some rare cases. Done
-Added Life, Mana and Stamina indicators to character making screen. Done
-Added option to chooce number of used logical processors. Done
-Fixed many UI glitches. Done
-Settings reset should work now as intented. Done
-Fixed problem when main window stayed behind other windows's after launch. Done

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.6.2
-Pet and Mob A.I. improvements.
-Pet control panel commands.
-Fixed huge lag problem when pet was hitting an enemy.
-Fixed lag problem on hit indicator images.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.6.1
-Optimized dungeon generation.
-Changed dungeon generation to make more sure that caves are connected to each other.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.6.0
-Option to change if FPS timer is threaded (This can have huge impact to performance). Its is under performance options in options menu.
-Graphics engine optimizations, performance should be around 10% better now.
-Fixed wrong font size on "Back to login screen" button.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.9
-New item info panel for items on inventory.
-Item info will appear when you hover mouse over an item, and old static panel has been removed to get more room.
-Fixed broken looting.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.8
-Server side command queue optimization and crash fixes.
-Fixed server online status check on website and launcher.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.7 - Inventory Patch
-Inventory slots now includes more visible information.
-Added Item frames which are colored by item quality.
-Added stack size indicator to left upper corner of the frame when stack size is over 1.
-Unidentified items have now ? indicator on inventory.
-Fixed lots of visual minor glitches.
-Fixed selling with new menu.
-Fixed blinking npc info panel when it should be disabled.
-Fixed bug when repair cost was showing previously selected item cost.
-Generally made inventory and item painting cleaner, faster and better.
-Fixed bug when skinning menu option popped up on every right click.
-Lots of minor fixes I cant remember anymore.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.6
-Items now will get totally destroyed after their condition drops to minimum on inferior quality(0) level.
-Removed drop, use etc. buttons on inventory and added menu for left click.
-Fixed odd values for XP on monster info panel.
-Fixed bug when Options Panel stayed on top of the other programs all a time.
-Added item condition estimation based on TSF(Total skill factor) of Item Evaluation skill and the complexity(quality) of the item.
-Added numeric value for item quality.
-Fixed equipped gear's hit taking formula after its quality has been reduced (caused items to get broken way too fast).
-Added failsafe option to inventory for item dropping.
-Reduced HUGE flickering when changing theme colors, some still remains...
-Adjusted TSF Table abit. New table on wiki.
-Inventory now refresh after changing theme related things.
-Fixed magnetic forms bug where dragged form just teleported to bottom of the screen.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.5
-Reduced flashin on client start.
-Changed main loop to timer based (idle based is causing very heavy load for CPU and making fps unstable).
-Made preparations for pet control panel (release on next version!).
-Fixed Client disconnection when losing connection to the server (hopefully fixes "shadow" clients and server crashes).
-Fixed Mainwindow height after first launch and options reset (calculates now taskbar height totally accurate).
-Fixed Chatform left and top offset bug (was too much on the left and down).
-Fixed cast progressbar speed (was too slow).

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.4
-Fixed tons of new action menu related errors and bugs.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.3
-Fixed bug when you could shear or tame other players pets.
-Fixed bug when you could retame your own pet.
-Fixed bug when your pet wasn't under your control after relog.
-Fixed server crash when you had unproductive pet in a pen.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.2
-Fixed options reset when client has too old config file.
-Fixed pen the animal generally.
-Fixed bug when tame option shows up instead of pen.
-Fixed Player action menu bug when not showing multiple options.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.1
-Added tons of options for NPC info panel what is showing when hovering mouse over NPC.
-Fixed not refreshing NPC Info panel.
-Fixed NPC highlighting when mouse cursor is over it.
-Rearranged options menu a bit.
-Fixed options reseting.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.0
-Fixed bug when skin option popup opened on inventory area.
-Fixed tame option not to popup after pet dismissing.
-Lowered damage for items when taking a hit or using them.
-Removed NPC namepanel for now (making an option for it later).
-Fixed trade option with other player.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.9
-Made right click menu for npc actions pen, unpen, milk, skin and tame (if this is player friendly, same will be for gathering actions).
-Fixed skinning table in database what caused freezing and disconnecting when skinning was success.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.8
-Fixed bug when you could use already known spell and skillbooks.
-Removed activation delay on Login button.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.7
-Fixed few UI glitches more.
-Font change now effect to every window and component.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.6
-"Lock Main UI Forms" uses now Windows API and should work as intented.
-Fixed, corrected and completed window hotkeys.
-Fixed chat window's top order (Vanished behind the game window before).
-Made chat window's chat log "read only" as it should be.
-Fixed bug when server stopped listening for connections.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.5
-Added "Lock Main UI Forms" option (prevents main windows to be moved, Test please!).
-Replaced couple of useless fonts with more practical ones.
-Fixed one server side crash when client was disconnecting.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.4
-Fixed Uninstaller in Installer and added music in to it too.
-Fixed "file not found" notice when there is no hotbar config file.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.3
-Tons of tuning to main window view, restore, activate and deactivate handling.
-Fixes to server disconnect process.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.2
-Remake of login process.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.1
-Game is now dividing load for GPU and CPU (Experimental stuff, please give feedback!).
-After a minute of playing game will start memory free process, and will free up as much memory as possible (Also experimental!).
-Got rid of some old code.
-Trying Asyncronous MySQL.
-More responsive UI.
-Fixed some windows's topmost properties.
-Fixed game freezing when any menu is open.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.4.0
-Fixed player character X position on the minimap (was 1 tile too much to the right).
-Fixed blinking in login.
-Added progressbar to login.
-Fixed monster aggression when player attacking outside of it's aggro range.
-Fixed monster information on it's name panel.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.9
-Fixed some damage formulas.
-Increased bows base damage.
-Fixed critical damage.
-Adjusted gear damage taking formulas.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.8
-First minimap version.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.7
-Went back to idle based FPS system.
-Fixed huge lag what keeping mouse cursor over mob when moving caused.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.6
-More optimizations.
-Trying new timer based FPS system.
-Fixed a bug when client got kicked after killing summoned mob.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.3 - 1.3.5
-Tile system optimization.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.3
-Fixed character spawning in nothingness after server restart/crash when in dungeon.
-Fixed PM Chat access violations.
-Made a quick server side check for SPP.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.2
-Fixed levelup stat saving.
-Fixed couple memory leaks.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.1
-Added quest status on questlog.
-Fixed messed up questlog generally.
-Fixed client disconnect when finishing quest.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.0
-Fixed issue when remaining attribute points went under 0 after applying them on character creation.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.9
-Overhauled the level up system (replaced ancient code with more effiecient and clearer one).
-You can now exit the level up screen without spending any points on attributes.
-Perk points calculation fix.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.8
-Few typo and visual fixes on character creation screen.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.7
-Made level up screen more clearer with + buttons beside the attribute instead of sliders.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.6
-Fixed target select spam on server side.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.5
-Fixed theme resfreshing when selecting it from theme menu.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.4
-More improvements to login process.
-Added "Back to login screen" button also, in case if something still goes wrong.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.3
-Made failsafe code to login when it failed on it.
-Fixed character name in use check.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.2
-Fixed bugs on system information screen after library upgrade.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.1
-Added couple more features to options panel.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.0
-Updated all libraries used on project.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.19
-Improved Unicode character support.
-Color variations are now applied to the theme much more faster and without blinking screen.
-Added new Memory Manager unit.
-Server makes now an outputfile what adds more info to the server webpage, like online player count, uptime etc.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.99
-Deleted old volume controls.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.98
-SoundFX engine prototype, doesn't seem to have memory leaks and is relatively fast too.
-Added few moving SoundFX's for testing.
-Added Master, Music and SoundFX volume controls to options panel.
-Fixed Theme color saving.
-Couple more minor fixes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.97
-Solved Windows right problems when installed under Program Files or some system folder.
-New Updater (Install Hadelmia again!). Same problems prevented it to overwrite old files when unpacking the update.
-So Updater is needing admin rights for overwriting files when updating, and Hadelmia for writing config files on disk, nothing else.
-Windows will ask if you want to grant the rights for Updater.exe and Hadelmia.exe or not (Depending your User Account Control settings).
-Disk drive capacities and memory amount are now accurate on system information report.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.96
-Inventory will refresh now properly after game being restored from minimazed state.
-Finished theme and options panel.
-Added font size modifier option, and switch to apply font settings to menu text too.
-Added possibility to randomize all theme related things, font, colors and theme with one button.
-Added button to randomize theme colors.
-Added simple calculator and tools menu.
-Fixed font settings to apply at client start.
-Cleaned lots of old code and useless forms and such.
-Tweaked some things on client startup, it is now opening bit faster and without blinking.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.95
-Some adjustments to skill theory window.
-More book GFX's.
-Fixed button positions on inventory window.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.94
-Added 'Remember Password' option.
-Fixed many color related problems and glitches.
-Many small fixes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.93
-Fixed issue when first click on the main screen didn't do anything after moving other forms.
-Fixed lag causing blinking "No skill in training!" and "Level up" indicators.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.92
-Few small fixes, mainly visual.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.91
-Theme related glitch and bug fixes.
-Some improvements to GM Console.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.9
-Cleaned installer and update package (deleted not needed DLL files).
-Changed default chat color to black background and white text.
-Added hyperlink detection to chat.
-Chat hyperlinks will open your default browser page when double clicked.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.8
-Solved some UI issues.
-Fixed latency indicator when it was only showing 0 ms.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.7
-Fixed spell timer indicator.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.6
-Fixed issue with high CPU usage in login screen.
-Fixed A.I. when guards didn't attack a hostile creature on sight.
-Fixed case when guard returned to wrong tile after killing hostiles.
-Fixed typo in skill timer.
-Fixed background color of all infolog pages.
-Made a lot of changes for upcoming localization support.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.5
-Reworked teleport/tele system. Possibly fixes server freezing in some cases.
-Fixed wrong player lightlevel when teleing out of the dungeon.
-Added awarness skill effect to light circle radius in dungeons.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.4
-Fixed banhammer and kick commands on server and for GM's.
-Made info and chat permanent black backgrounded (even theme wont change this). Reason for this is different colored events.
-Fixed server side error when player disconnects.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.3
-Fixed wrong login text color. (Not same as the theme color).
-Fixed wrong tab order in login and password fields.
-Fixed bug when options reset didn't delete system.cfg which resulted to most of the options to reset at all.
-Fixed bad flickering when left clicking an item in inventory.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.2
-Fixed profession forms (sometimes was left under main window).
-Fixed main window focus on first time showing it.
-Fixed profession windows not showing under main window.
-Fixed chat bug, when it stopped to be responsive.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.1
-Fixed blinky and slow maximizing of the client window.
-Fixed invisible login and pass areas after connection timeout on login screen.
-Fixed character delete button's redcross not showing on some themes.
-Fixed text not showing after font select on selection dropbox.
-Fixed and tuned some other minor glitches and annoyments on UI.
-Replaced Webdings font with Vrinda, since...well you know you cant read those hieroglyphs what Webdings are.
-Improved and fixed FPS/Latency and computer specs window.
-Fixed profession forms (sometimes was left under main window).
-Fixed main window focus on first time showing it.
-Fixed profession windows not showing under main window.
-Fixed chat bug, when it stopped to be responsive.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18

-Hopefully much more stable connection betweeen the server and a client. Should also connect and load faster at the start.
-Added Skin selector and UI options on the main menu.
-Added some options to skin selecteor form.
-Added feature to change the game font.
-Fixed Inventory button texts (didn't show up on certain themes).
-Removed glitchy screen snap system, trying a new method now.
-Added randomize theme feature on skin options form.
-Added randomize font feature on skin options form.
-Fixed themes generally. Their skins are now properly placed.
-Removed non-free skins from the list selection.
-Added shortcuts for menu items.

-Started Video Blog on Youtube! Check that out at: Hadelmia Youtube Channel

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.17
-Mobs can go unconscious.
-Fixed sometimes laggy movement to the east.
-Fixed pet dismiss.
-Adjusted (nerfed) total skill factor amount.
-Fixed some of the warrior techniques to use stamina instead of mana, also hit chance based on dexterity instead of willpower.
-Skillgain formula rework.
-Fixed character creation bug that shows all skills when logging in after deleting and making new character on the same slot.
-Added and improved some particle things.
-Basic strike warrior technique added for all characters.
-2 new spells, soul drain and blessed shell.
-lots of new GFX for skillbooks.
-Fixed bug when you could cast some spells without a target.
-Spell system overhauled, also supports now cast time. -Switched magipenalty under spell category in stats window.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.16
-Added cats and dogs.
-Added more variations to few low level monsters.
-Added skill gains for fishing, taming, shearing and milking.
-Fixed loot generation when your pet kills something.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.15 - Cows and pals patch
-First batch of mob variations includes, rats, large rats and cows.
-Starting to add content, so several type of cows are here! Gives lots of options to add for baking (cooking).
-(Bulls will be there later. So will be breeding).
-Fixed bug when pets just disappeared after server restart.
-Added cow milking, works almost as same way as sheep shearing, tame a cow, pen it, wait it to produce milk and milk it.
-Fixed shearing (Yes, it was broken).
-Added craftable empty can, can be used for milk storing.
-Fixed visual glitch when inventory turned briefly white when stacking items.
-Fixed a bug when crafting used whole stacks of materials instead of just decreasing right amount of stack size.
-Fixed pet production timer when penned. Also timer saving on server side.
-Neutral animals will now defend themselves if attacked.
-Shearing skill is now named to Animal Husbandry, this skill will handle all animal related productive actions like shearing and milking.
-Switched skinning and taming skills to mouse RIGHT button. Skinning with SHIFT and taming with CONTROL pressed.
-Fixed fancy magical item naming system, also added it to items in stash (bank).
-Fixed NPC X-coordinate offset error, (sometimes they appeared to be 1 tile to the right of their real position.
-Fixed annoying inputbox behavior when you tried to type to it, and your character started to move, or do some other stuff.
-Fixed glitch when TOP and TOPMOST windows stayed on top when activating other programs on top of the Hadelmia window.
-Optimized item lookup, generating and deleting routines (this will greatly improve item handling on server side).
-Many other minor fixes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.14
-Performance improvements.
-UI fixes and changes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.11
-Quest log remake (still very basic).
-Merged dialogue and quest system together.
-Delivery quest support.
-Kill quest support.
-Bounty hunter quest remade to work with new systems.
-Fixed awfully laggy blinking indicators on main window caption (also effected to FPS).
-Added server time on chat window.
-Tuned some colors on item info panels.
-Fixed OP magical bonuses.
-Fixed few wrong item names in GFX file.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.0
-Quest system overhaul version 1.
-Dialogue system for NPC's.
-Speaking quest support.

Version 0.4 RC2
-FPS Improvements.
-Fixed few things on Installer.
-Added missing vorbis DLL.
-Encryption improvements.
-Fixed hotbar movement.

Version 0.4 RC1.89FINAL
-Testing login system with some changes in the code again.
-Greatly reduced inventory and loot window flickering.

Version 0.4 RC1.8999
-Testing login system with some changes in the code.
-Fixed crafting when there was more than 1 required items to craft something.

Version 0.4 RC1.8998
-Fixed skinning bugs.
-Changed torch usable with 2-H weapons also (at least for now).

Version 0.4 RC1.8997
-Fixed inventory mess up when trying to use or equip items while talking to vendor.
-Fixed value scale when applying SPP to skill (Max value was too high).
-Fixed couple of errors on login process.
-Keeping database in asynchronous mode. It is fast and seems to be stable as well.

Version 0.4 RC1.8996
-Fixed heal spell not showing on hotbar menu.
-Fixed skill window hints.
-Testing database in asynchronous mode.

Version 0.4 RC1.8995
-Fixed many bank vault issues.
-Fixed bank database table.
-Fixed login problem when you had items in your bank vault.

Version 0.4 RC1.899-1.8994
-Added some hairstyles, how do they look like with some helmets, is mystery.
-Fixed boss spawn.
-Fixed couple of GM commands.
-Lots of minor fixes on client and server side.

Version 0.4 RC1.898
-Fixed chest opening.
-Increased default walking speed.

Version 0.4 RC1.897
-Added some GM items.
-Some minor all around fixes.

Version 0.4 RC1.896
-GM command bug fixes.
-Added checks to many of the GM commands to not to crash the server or mess up characters.

Version 0.4 RC1.895
-Fixed character stuttering and warping especially when you are under move speed debuff.
-Deleted some useless code on character select routine and simplified it some. Effect to stability is unknown.
-Fixed item stack sizes.
-Added check to give GM command to prevent to create items that doesn't exists (caused that character to not able to login at all).
-GM can now select target with mouse or from player list on GM console.

Version 0.4 RC1.894
-Rest of the minimum needed GM commands.
-Fixed unmovable system stat and specification window.
-Fixed issue when total skill factor was 0 while trying to craft something (caused all recipes to shown as Unknown).

Version 0.4 RC1.893
-Tons of new GM commands.
-Fixed other players visible torch fire on out of line of sight areas.

Version 0.4 RC1.892
-Fixed other players chat bubble flickering.

Version 0.4 RC1.891
-Added needed libraries to make music work.
-Fixed issue when next tune didn't start after previous was finished.

Version 0.4 RC1.890
-Fixed access violation when using trade with other player.

Version 0.4 RC1.889
-Main window is now refreshing when using popup menus.

Version 0.4 RC1.888
-Fixed invisible level up screen.
-Fixed issue when item stats didn't refresh when level up button was showing.

Version 0.4 RC1.887
-Fixed blinking text when no skill is training on main window titlebar.

Version 0.4 RC1.886
-Some performance improvements.
-Changed target indicator blink speed to much slower.
-Fixed latency meter (didn't ping the server properly, and caused a huge lag while stat window was visible).

Version 0.4 RC1.885
-Fixed stash generation to database when using it first time.
-Fixed stash drawing on the inventory window.
-Made inventory window even smaller for very low resolutions, so chat window will fit under it (minimum usable resolution is 1366x768).
-Made couple of checks and calls to make sure that previous command is handled properly before taking next one from queue.
-Login is now better and more stable due to new wait calls and simultaneous message processing.
-Command processing is now multithreaded (if this works properly, all will be smoother, faster and less laggy).
-Hopefully fixed the problem when player commands were mixed up on server side while processing the queue.
-Queue should eventually always get empty and not leave "shadow" commands there, and freeze the server.
-Improved login queue code, when two or more players are login at the same time (not sure will it be more stable or not tho).

Version 0.4 RC1.884
-Fixed spell/technique hotbar.

Version 0.4 RC1.883
-Fixed theme (didn't show at all for some players).

Version 0.4 RC1.882
-Main window is now positioning and resizing correctly.

Version 0.4 RC1.881
-Adjusted default configs.

Version 0.4 RC1.880
-More UI fixes and tweaks.

Version 0.4 RC1.879
-Took off captionbars from several windows's like chat and info.

Version 0.4 RC1.878
-Fixed configuration errors.
-Fixed messed up client due to config bugs.
-Configuration reseting and default settings should work now as intented.
-Fixed system statistics window.

Version 0.4 RC1.877
-Few more GM Commands.
-Some minor bug and glitch fixes.
-Chat overhaul, including Unicode characters.
-Optimized Chat bubbles.

Version 0.4 RC1.876
-GM Console.
-First GM commands.
-Login improvements.
-Unicode conversion bug fixes.

Version 0.4 RC1.875
-Client converted to Unicode.
-Fixed Links not opening on your default browser.

Version 0.4 RC1.874
-Server converted to Unicode.
-Small fixes.
-Few fixes to Updater.

Version 0.4 RC1.873
-Started Server and Client converting to Unicode.
-Fixed Gmail blocking verify mails.
-Fixed Email verification.

Version 0.4 RC1.872
-Fixed missing news page on launcher.
-Adjusted and remade day/night cycle system.
-Fixed "vibrating" and eye hurting FOW area.

Version 0.4 RC1.871
-Few minor visual bug fixes.
-Updated and strengthened the Server certifications and Cipher list (Hopefully fixes random SSL errors).
-Updated netcode and encryption fixes.
-New Updater (should actually work now heh).
-New installer in MSI format.
-Generally updated tools, softwares, frameworks etc.

Version 0.4 RC1.870
-Updated OpenGL support to latest 4.6.
-Fixed occasianally freezing particle system.
-Once again guards were causing havok (fixed again).
-Support for all different CC and speed manipulating effects, and mounts.
-Minor UI Fixes, like annoying bugs on window snap system.
-Generally smoother DrawScene routine, also using new fancy OpenGL features.
-Raised capped FPS to 60.
-New MSI installer on website.
-Fixed some bugs on Updater.exe.
-Updated TLS/SSL to latest.
-Updated UI routines.

Version 0.4 RC1.866
-Added skill theory and practice ranks to the skills window.
-Added total skill factor (TSF) indicator to the skills window.
-Fixed line of sight in forest.
-Fixed numerous errors and bugs in crafting.
-Allow moving the main window on other screens.
-Fixed flickering inventory when selecting an item.
-Guards are now returning their post after causing mayhem and murdering all intruders.

Version 0.4 RC1.863
-Login is now quite stable, doesn't seem to cause disconnects to other players anymore.
-Map loading final version on login, and it is fast.
-Server stability improvements, doesn't crash or get stuck after possible errors.
-Skills max theory level is now 6.
-Trade skills are now gaining when selling or buying items.
-Fixed couple visual glitches on inventory screen.
-Server save process is now faster and more stable, and many realtime DB updates like skill gains has been moved to save procedure.
-Fixed bug when you couldn't use any spellbooks and learn any spells.

Major version 0.4 RC1.8
New major update is now out, and requiring lot of testing. Please help me to find bugs, and other oddities. All suggestions will be reviewed.

-Info log has now separated tabs for different actions.
-Default window positions and sizes should make more sense now. They are now defined by screen size (need more testing).
-General cleaning of the code. Lot of optimizations and improvements.
-Once a mob strikes you, the game checks which part of your body the blow hits, the armor on that area will be damaged.
-You can now repair your items on vendor (cost is defined by item quality and damage).
-Spell and Item systems overhauled (better and faster code on server side). -Stackable resource items.
-Crafting system overhauled, including now support for stacking resource items.
-Memory optimization, client now frees memory aggressively, after logon and ~30 seconds usage is around 100MB.
-Fixed several memory leaks.
-Fixed stiff and warping movement.
-Skin selector. Located in options menu. Default style is "FalloutStyle" style. Other good canditate is "HeroesStyle".
-Buff/Debuff icons.
-Buff/Defuff information panel.
-New target and npc infos.
-Main" Windows can't be located outside of the screen bounds (should prevent them to disappear out of reach).
-All around nicer look, and debug information has been removed.
-Item qualities, will increase/decrease stats by it.
-Item durability, will increase/decrease stats by it (keep your gear repaired).
-Item repairing, depending of your skills, items will lose max durability and quality levels eventually.
-Items will take damage, and so every item will get destroyed in the end, keeping also economy fresh someday.
-Item crafting quality, skills are effectting to it. Crafted item is always minimum of decent quality.
-Hit indicators are now showing for a second.
-Windows snapping is now more accurate.
-Skills are divided to Theory and Practice skills. (Theory will be learned by time and practice by using).
-Skill effect is combine of Theory and Practice part of it.
-Spell mastery will increase by using them.
-Sheeps will stay dead when they are killed (bastards didn't die, only got shored).
-Title bar now shows information about your character, like EXP, Stats, damage etc. and Theory skill training time.
-Client is now using more GPU instead of CPU.
-Some Monster LOS improvements.
-Added shortcut keys for most used windows.
-You can drag windows from anywhere of the form. (Not only from title/caption bar).
-You can close windows by right clicking on it.
-Fixed wrong attributes for some item types.
-Cleaned iteminfo panels.
-Refreshing an inventory after moving the inventory window.
-Deselect target by right clicking your character.
-Server side crash fixes and omptimizations.
-Login is again slightly faster.
-Web links on a main menu will be opened with your default browser now.
-Changed font in a hurry since to end of support of the previous one. Current: Book Antiqua.
-Completed the database code to use the FireDac.
-Improvements to the updater, it now shows version info, also download and updating progress.
-Some minor fixes and improvements I don't remember.

Version 0.4 RC1.78
-Latency indicator fix.
-Fixed server command distribution for clients (very important fix!).
-Fixed inventory refresh after returning to game.
-Fixed showing a corpse after killing mobs with a spell.
-Final version of the computer spec analyzer.

Version 0.4 RC1.77
-Improved server command queue.
-Item quality modifier.
-Fixed one bug what caused lots of DC's and crashes on server side.

Version 0.4 RC1.76
-Login session overhaul.
-SQL handling overhaul in generally.
-Couple minor glitch fixes on client side.

Version 0.4 RC1.75
-Fixed latency and FPS indicators.
-Fixed freezing when pinging the server.
-Added separate window for FPS and Latency. Also made some fancy system analyzers.
-More improvements to window snapping and positioning.

Version 0.4 RC1.74
-Forms are snapping better to each other.
-Refreshing improvements.
-Monster Line of Sight is now better and more detailed (should also prevent mobs to shoot through walls).

Version 0.4 RC1.73
-New graphics for monsters (Thanks Nicola again).
-Some npc graphics and monster variations.

This is a first part of the new graphical look.
This update contains:
-New graphics for weapons and armors, both inventory and character (Thanks to Nicola for the new GFX)
-Lots of new land tiles (Handmade by me :D)
-Changed music format to OGG (files are about 3 times smaller).
-Capped FPS to 30 (no need for more and saves CPU).
-Fixed volume control errors.

Version 0.4 RC1.71
-Fancier hotbar.
-Summoning system.
-Dread Knight event A.I.
-Login system improvements.
-Lots of TLS related problems solved.

Version 0.4 RC1.7
-Fancier hotbar.
-Summoning system.
-Dread Knight event A.I.
-Login system improvements.
-Lots of TLS related problems solved.

Version 0.4 RC1.69995
-Fixed login preventing "Wrong version number" SSL handshake error.
-Lot more TLS Fixes.
*NOTE, TLS still fails sometimes and gives errors on login process.

Version 0.4 RC1.692
-More stable connection between the server and client.
-More disconnect fixes.
-And more optimization.

Version 0.4 RC1.690
-Much faster map loading.
-Login issue fixes.
-DC fixes.
-TLS and networking improvements.

Version 0.4 RC1.686
-Enabled Transport Layer Security (TLS) V1.2.

Version 0.4 RC1.685
-Particle effects should be now much faster.

Version 0.4 RC1.684
-Some improvements to NPC path finding.
-Lot of server and client optimizations.
-MySQL optimizations.
-Fixed 0 amount and stack size bug.

Version 0.4 RC1.683
-Some kind of water effect.
-Possible gear uneguip crash fix.
-Possible crash bug fix on item sale.
-Also probably fixed odd money bug when you got millions of gold when selling something.

Version 0.4 RC1.682
-Torch particle effect.
-New potion graphics.
-Couple of minor glitch fixes.

Version 0.4 RC1.681
-Spell progression window postition and size saving.
-Fixed returning of the last quest on the quest line.

Version 0.4 RC1.68
-Spell mastery progression.
-Fixed couple of gfx glitches.
-Fixed character coordinate saving when logging out.
-Server initial load time is now about 10 times shorter.
-Finally fixed the server freeze bug (at least one of them).

Version 0.4 RC1.672
-Fast try to fix bug when crafted item goes to head slot.
-Fixed too large font on chat bubbles, also general fixes to bubble sizes.
-Small font and style changes.

Version 0.4 RC1.671
-Testing new font, should be very clear and good for eyes not with so good sight anymore.
-Fixed perk point bugs.
-Fixed trade window appearing to random people when it shouldn't.
-Some server bug fix tests.

Version 0.4 RC1.67
-Show corpses after login/re-login.
-Use double buffering to reduce flickering and to improve performance.
-Couple more server crash bugs fixed.
-Login should be now even faster.
-Try to fix server freeze bug(no guarantees, it works).

Version 0.4 RC1.666
-Fixed other player selection.
-Fixed level up to actually save it to server database.
-Adjusted moving speed of some monsters.
-Some server performance improvements.

Version 0.4 RC1.665
-Server stability fixes (need more tho).
-Fixed level up screen and level up system.
-Fixed bank vault.
-Nicer hints.
-Client down and up buffer is now 4 times larger (Does it help? I really dont know yet).
-Some minor stuff.

Version 0.4 RC1.63
-Fixed boss spawning.
-Fixed bounty quest generation database saving.
-Fixed case when only 1 gold was shown in a loot, instead of a stack.
-Fixed wrong lightlevel after you die in dungeon.
-Added Wrestling skill that increases your dodge chance by 2% per level.
-Remade other player characters memory handling (takes much less memory now).
-Fixed blinking mob names in combat.

Version 0.4 RC1.6 Is out for testing!
Features Done:
-Changed login screen focus on password field when username is remembered.
-Fixed character freeze bug when talking to random quest npc.
-Fixed blinking and overlapping quest windows.
-Fixed quests wrong descriptions, speak text and progress texts.
-Fixed many exploits on quest returning.
-Fixed quests going totally messed up in database.
-Made fields and support for 15 different types of quests for a future use.
-Fixed quest system generally.
-Overhauled quest system basically.
-Added an option to dock/undock windows to main window when moving it.
-Added a feature to delete a character.
-Lot of improvements to account database structure.
-New quest database design and client side code.
-Database fields for logging account's failed logins, ip's and exact times of them.
-Enabled ciphering between clients and the server.
-Added an option to enable and disable FPS and Latency meters.
-Overhauled character slot system, more realible, and fluid.
-Client now loads all maps from the server.
-Some particle effects for couple of spells.
-Character creation system remake.
-Fixed disappearing loot after killing a monster.
-Added few graphic indicators when hitting, missing, critting etc.
-Much clearer systray icon, also now it actually deletes itself quite often.
-Fixed bug when player got stuck until to next server restart when logging out in a dungeon.
-Fixed wrong global cooldown.
-Fixed spell cooldown indicators.
-Added training time bar under life, mana and stamina bars.
-Bodybuilder and Bullseye perks.
-More lights!
-More LOS tuning.
-Tons of little fixes and adjustments.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.2
-Fixed options reset when client has too old config file.
-Fixed pen the animal generally.
-Fixed bug when tame option shows up instead of pen.
-Fixed Player action menu bug when not showing multiple options.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.1
-Added tons of options for NPC info panel what is showing when hovering mouse over NPC.
-Fixed not refreshing NPC Info panel.
-Fixed NPC highlighting when mouse cursor is over it.
-Rearranged options menu a bit.
-Fixed options reseting.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.5.0
-Fixed bug when skin option popup opened on inventory area.
-Fixed tame option not to popup after pet dismissing.
-Lowered damage for items when taking a hit or using them.
-Removed NPC namepanel for now (making an option for it later).
-Fixed trade option with other player.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.9
-Made right click menu for npc actions pen, unpen, milk, skin and tame (if this is player friendly, same will be for gathering actions).
-Fixed skinning table in database what caused freezing and disconnecting when skinning was success.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.8
-Fixed bug when you could use already known spell and skillbooks.
-Removed activation delay on Login button.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.7
-Fixed few UI glitches more.
-Font change now effect to every window and component.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.6
-"Lock Main UI Forms" uses now Windows API and should work as intented.
-Fixed, corrected and completed window hotkeys.
-Fixed chat window's top order (Vanished behind the game window before).
-Made chat window's chat log "read only" as it should be.
-Fixed bug when server stopped listening for connections.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.5
-Added "Lock Main UI Forms" option (prevents main windows to be moved, Test please!).
-Replaced couple of useless fonts with more practical ones.
-Fixed one server side crash when client was disconnecting.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.4
-Fixed Uninstaller in Installer and added music in to it too.
-Fixed "file not found" notice when there is no hotbar config file.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.3
-Tons of tuning to main window view, restore, activate and deactivate handling.
-Fixes to server disconnect process.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.2
-Remake of login process.

Version 0.4 RC3 v1.4.1
-Game is now dividing load for GPU and CPU (Experimental stuff, please give feedback!).
-After a minute of playing game will start memory free process, and will free up as much memory as possible (Also experimental!).
-Got rid of some old code.
-Trying Asyncronous MySQL.
-More responsive UI.
-Fixed some windows's topmost properties.
-Fixed game freezing when any menu is open.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.4.0
-Fixed player character X position on the minimap (was 1 tile too much to the right).
-Fixed blinking in login.
-Added progressbar to login.
-Fixed monster aggression when player attacking outside of it's aggro range.
-Fixed monster information on it's name panel.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.9
-Fixed some damage formulas.
-Increased bows base damage.
-Fixed critical damage.
-Adjusted gear damage taking formulas.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.8
-First minimap version.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.7
-Went back to idle based FPS system.
-Fixed huge lag what keeping mouse cursor over mob when moving caused.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.6
-More optimizations.
-Trying new timer based FPS system.
-Fixed a bug when client got kicked after killing summoned mob.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.3 - 1.3.5
-Tile system optimization.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.3
-Fixed character spawning in nothingness after server restart/crash when in dungeon.
-Fixed PM Chat access violations.
-Made a quick server side check for SPP.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.2
-Fixed levelup stat saving.
-Fixed couple memory leaks.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.1
-Added quest status on questlog.
-Fixed messed up questlog generally.
-Fixed client disconnect when finishing quest.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.3.0
-Fixed issue when remaining attribute points went under 0 after applying them on character creation.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.9
-Overhauled the level up system (replaced ancient code with more effiecient and clearer one).
-You can now exit the level up screen without spending any points on attributes.
-Perk points calculation fix.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.8
-Few typo and visual fixes on character creation screen.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.7
-Made level up screen more clearer with + buttons beside the attribute instead of sliders.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.6
-Fixed target select spam on server side.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.5
-Fixed theme resfreshing when selecting it from theme menu.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.4
-More improvements to login process.
-Added "Back to login screen" button also, in case if something still goes wrong.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.3
-Made failsafe code to login when it failed on it.
-Fixed character name in use check.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.2
-Fixed bugs on system information screen after library upgrade.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.1
-Added couple more features to options panel.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.2.0
-Updated all libraries used on project.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.19
-Improved Unicode character support.
-Color variations are now applied to the theme much more faster and without blinking screen.
-Added new Memory Manager unit.
-Server makes now an outputfile what adds more info to the server webpage, like online player count, uptime etc.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.99
-Deleted old Volume controls.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.98
-SoundFX engine prototype, doesn't seem to have memory leaks and is relatively fast too.
-Added few moving SoundFX's for testing.
-Added Master, Music and SoundFX volume controls to options panel.
-Fixed Theme color saving.
-Couple more minor fixes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.97
-Solved Windows right problems when installed under Program Files or some system folder.
-New Updater (Install Hadelmia again!). Same problems prevented it to overwrite old files when unpacking the update.
-So Updater is needing admin rights for overwriting files when updating, and Hadelmia for writing config files on disk, nothing else.
-Windows will ask if you want to grant the rights for Updater.exe and Hadelmia.exe or not (Depending your User Account Control settings).
-Disk drive capacities and memory amount are now accurate on system information report.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.96
-Inventory will refresh now properly after game being restored from minimazed state.
-Finished theme and options panel.
-Added font size modifier option, and switch to apply font settings to menu text too.
-Added possibility to randomize all theme related things, font, colors and theme with one button.
-Added button to randomize theme colors.
-Added simple calculator and tools menu.
-Fixed font settings to apply at client start.
-Cleaned lots of old code and useless forms and such.
-Tweaked some things on client startup, it is now opening bit faster and without blinking.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.95
-Some adjustments to skill theory window.
-More book GFX's.
-Fixed button positions on inventory window.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.94
-Added 'Remember Password' option.
-Fixed many color related problems and glitches.
-Many small fixes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.93
-Fixed issue when first click on the main screen didn't do anything after moving other forms.
-Fixed lag causing blinking "No skill in training!" and "Level up" indicators.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.92
-Few small fixes, mainly visual.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.91
-Theme related glitch and bug fixes.
-Some improvements to GM Console.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.9
-Cleaned installer and update package (deleted not needed DLL files).
-Changed default chat color to black background and white text.
-Added hyperlink detection to chat.
-Chat hyperlinks will open your default browser page when double clicked.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.8
-Solved some UI issues.
-Fixed latency indicator when it was only showing 0 ms.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.7
-Fixed spell timer indicator.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.6
-Fixed issue with high CPU usage in login screen.
-Fixed A.I. when guards didn't attack a hostile creature on sight.
-Fixed case when guard returned to wrong tile after killing hostiles.
-Fixed typo in skill timer.
-Fixed background color of all infolog pages.
-Made a lot of changes for upcoming localization support.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.5
-Reworked teleport/tele system. Possibly fixes server freezing in some cases.
-Fixed wrong player lightlevel when teleing out of the dungeon.
-Added awarness skill effect to light circle radius in dungeons.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.4
-Fixed banhammer and kick commands on server and for GM's.
-Made info and chat permanent black backgrounded (even theme wont change this). Reason for this is different colored events.
-Fixed server side error when player disconnects.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.3
-Fixed wrong login text color. (Not same as the theme color).
-Fixed wrong tab order in login and password fields.
-Fixed bug when options reset didn't delete system.cfg which resulted to most of the options to reset at all.
-Fixed bad flickering when left clicking an item in inventory.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.2
-Fixed profession forms (sometimes was left under main window).
-Fixed main window focus on first time showing it.
-Fixed profession windows not showing under main window.
-Fixed chat bug, when it stopped to be responsive.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18.1
-Fixed blinky and slow maximizing of the client window.
-Fixed invisible login and pass areas after connection timeout on login screen.
-Fixed character delete button's redcross not showing on some themes.
-Fixed text not showing after font select on selection dropbox.
-Fixed and tuned some other minor glitches and annoyments on UI.
-Replaced Webdings font with Vrinda, since...well you know you cant read those hieroglyphs what Webdings are.
-Improved and fixed FPS/Latency and computer specs window.
-Fixed profession forms (sometimes was left under main window).
-Fixed main window focus on first time showing it.
-Fixed profession windows not showing under main window.
-Fixed chat bug, when it stopped to be responsive.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.18

-Hopefully much more stable connection betweeen the server and a client. Should also connect and load faster at the start.
-Added Skin selector and UI options on the main menu.
-Added some options to skin selecteor form.
-Added feature to change the game font.
-Fixed Inventory button texts (didn't show up on certain themes).
-Removed glitchy screen snap system, trying a new method now.
-Added randomize theme feature on skin options form.
-Added randomize font feature on skin options form.
-Fixed themes generally. Their skins are now properly placed.
-Removed non-free skins from the list selection.
-Added shortcuts for menu items.

-Started Video Blog on Youtube! Check that out at: Hadelmia Youtube Channel

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.17
-Mobs can go unconscious.
-Fixed sometimes laggy movement to the east.
-Fixed pet dismiss.
-Adjusted (nerfed) total skill factor amount.
-Fixed some of the warrior techniques to use stamina instead of mana, also hit chance based on dexterity instead of willpower.
-Skillgain formula rework.
-Fixed character creation bug that shows all skills when logging in after deleting and making new character on the same slot.
-Added and improved some particle things.
-Basic strike warrior technique added for all characters.
-2 new spells, soul drain and blessed shell.
-lots of new GFX for skillbooks.
-Fixed bug when you could cast some spells without a target.
-Spell system overhauled, also supports now cast time. -Switched magipenalty under spell category in stats window.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.16
-Added cats and dogs.
-Added more variations to few low level monsters.
-Added skill gains for fishing, taming, shearing and milking.
-Fixed loot generation when your pet kills something.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.5 - Cows and pals patch
-First batch of mob variations includes, rats, large rats and cows.
-Starting to add content, so several type of cows are here! Gives lots of options to add for baking (cooking).
-(Bulls will be there later. So will be breeding).
-Fixed bug when pets just disappeared after server restart.
-Added cow milking, works almost as same way as sheep shearing, tame a cow, pen it, wait it to produce milk and milk it.
-Fixed shearing (Yes, it was broken).
-Added craftable empty can, can be used for milk storing.
-Fixed visual glitch when inventory turned briefly white when stacking items.
-Fixed a bug when crafting used whole stacks of materials instead of just decreasing right amount of stack size.
-Fixed pet production timer when penned. Also timer saving on server side.
-Neutral animals will now defend themselves if attacked.
-Shearing skill is now named to Animal Husbandry, this skill will handle all animal related productive actions like shearing and milking.
-Switched skinning and taming skills to mouse RIGHT button. Skinning with SHIFT and taming with CONTROL pressed.
-Fixed fancy magical item naming system, also added it to items in stash (bank).
-Fixed NPC X-coordinate offset error, (sometimes they appeared to be 1 tile to the right of their real position.
-Fixed annoying inputbox behavior when you tried to type to it, and your character started to move, or do some other stuff.
-Fixed glitch when TOP and TOPMOST windows stayed on top when activating other programs on top of the Hadelmia window.
-Optimized item lookup, generating and deleting routines (this will greatly improve item handling on server side).
-Many other minor fixes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.4
-Performance improvements.
-UI fixes and changes.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.1
-Quest log remake (still very basic).
-Merged dialogue and quest system together.
-Delivery quest support.
-Kill quest support.
-Bounty hunter quest remade to work with new systems.
-Fixed awfully laggy blinking indicators on main window caption (also effected to FPS).
-Added server time on chat window.
-Tuned some colors on item info panels.
-Fixed OP magical bonuses.
-Fixed few wrong item names in GFX file.

Version 0.4 RC2 v1.0
-Quest system overhaul version 1.
-Dialogue system for NPC's.
-Speaking quest support.

Version 0.4 RC2
-FPS Improvements.
-Fixed few things on Installer.
-Added missing vorbis DLL.
-Encryption improvements.
-Fixed hotbar movement.

Version 0.4 RC1.89FINAL
-Testing login system with some changes in the code again.
-Greatly reduced inventory and loot window flickering.

Version 0.4 RC1.8999
-Testing login system with some changes in the code.
-Fixed crafting when there was more than 1 required items to craft something.

Version 0.4 RC1.8998
-Fixed skinning bugs.
-Changed torch usable with 2-H weapons also (at least for now).

Version 0.4 RC1.8997
-Fixed inventory mess up when trying to use or equip items while talking to vendor.
-Fixed value scale when applying SPP to skill (Max value was too high).
-Fixed couple of errors on login process.
-Keeping database in asynchronous mode. It is fast and seems to be stable as well.

Version 0.4 RC1.8996
-Fixed heal spell not showing on hotbar menu.
-Fixed skill window hints.
-Testing database in asynchronous mode.

Version 0.4 RC1.8995
-Fixed many bank vault issues.
-Fixed bank database table.
-Fixed login problem when you had items in your bank vault.

Version 0.4 RC1.899-1.8994
-Added some hairstyles, how do they look like with some helmets, is mystery.
-Fixed boss spawn.
-Fixed couple of GM commands.
-Lots of minor fixes on client and server side.

Version 0.4 RC1.898
-Fixed chest opening.
-Increased default walking speed.

Version 0.4 RC1.897
-Added some GM items.
-Some minor all around fixes.

Version 0.4 RC1.896
-GM command bug fixes.
-Added checks to many of the GM commands to not to crash the server or mess up characters.

Version 0.4 RC1.895
-Fixed character stuttering and warping especially when you are under move speed debuff.
-Deleted some useless code on character select routine and simplified it some. Effect to stability is unknown.
-Fixed item stack sizes.
-Added check to give GM command to prevent to create items that doesn't exists (caused that character to not able to login at all).
-GM can now select target with mouse or from player list on GM console.

Version 0.4 RC1.894
-Rest of the minimum needed GM commands.
-Fixed unmovable system stat and specification window.
-Fixed issue when total skill factor was 0 while trying to craft something (caused all recipes to shown as Unknown).

Version 0.4 RC1.893
-Tons of new GM commands.
-Fixed other players visible torch fire on out of line of sight areas.

Version 0.4 RC1.892
-Fixed other players chat bubble flickering.

Version 0.4 RC1.891
-Added needed libraries to make music work.
-Fixed issue when next tune didn't start after previous was finished.

Version 0.4 RC1.890
-Fixed access violation when using trade with other player.

Version 0.4 RC1.889
-Main window is now refreshing when using popup menus.

Version 0.4 RC1.888
-Fixed invisible level up screen.
-Fixed issue when item stats didn't refresh when level up button was showing.

Version 0.4 RC1.887
-Fixed blinking text when no skill is training on main window titlebar.

Version 0.4 RC1.886
-Some performance improvements.
-Changed target indicator blink speed to much slower.
-Fixed latency meter (didn't ping the server properly, and caused a huge lag while stat window was visible).

Version 0.4 RC1.885
-Fixed stash generation to database when using it first time.
-Fixed stash drawing on the inventory window.
-Made inventory window even smaller for very low resolutions, so chat window will fit under it (minimum resolution is now pretty much 1366x768).
-Made couple of checks and calls to make sure that previous command is handled properly before taking next one from queue.
-Login is now better and more stable due to new wait calls and simultaneous message processing.
-Command processing is now multithreaded (if this works properly, all will be smoother, faster and less laggy).
-Hopefully fixed the problem when player commands were mixed up on server side while processing the queue.
-Queue should eventually always get empty and not leave "shadow" commands there, and freeze the server.
-Improved login queue code, when two or more players are login at the same time (not sure will it be more stable or not tho).

Version 0.4 RC1.884
-Fixed spell/technique hotbar.

Version 0.4 RC1.883
-Fixed theme (didn't show at all for some players).

Version 0.4 RC1.882
-Main window is now positioning and resizing correctly.

Version 0.4 RC1.881
-Adjusted default configs.

Version 0.4 RC1.880
-More UI fixes and tweaks.

Version 0.4 RC1.879
-Took off captionbars from several windows's like chat and info.

Version 0.4 RC1.878
-Fixed configuration errors.
-Fixed messed up client due to config bugs.
-Configuration reseting and default settings should work now as intented.
-Fixed system statistics window.

Version 0.4 RC1.877
-Few more GM Commands.
-Some minor bug and glitch fixes.
-Chat overhaul, including Unicode characters.
-Optimized Chat bubbles.

Version 0.4 RC1.876
-GM Console.
-First GM commands.
-Login improvements.
-Unicode conversion bug fixes.

Version 0.4 RC1.875
-Client converted to Unicode.
-Fixed Links not opening on your default browser.

Version 0.4 RC1.874
-Server converted to Unicode.
-Small fixes.
-Few fixes to Updater.

Version 0.4 RC1.873
-Started Server and Client converting to Unicode.
-Fixed Gmail blocking verify mails.
-Fixed Email verification.

Version 0.4 RC1.872
-Fixed missing news page on launcher.
-Adjusted and remade day/night cycle system.
-Fixed "vibrating" and eye hurting FOW area.

Version 0.4 RC1.871
-Few minor visual bug fixes.
-Updated and strengthened the Server certifications and Cipher list (Hopefully fixes random SSL errors).
-Updated netcode and encryption fixes.
-New Updater (should actually work now heh).
-New installer in MSI format.
-Generally updated tools, softwares, frameworks etc.

Version 0.4 RC1.870
-Updated OpenGL support to latest 4.6.
-Fixed occasianally freezing particle system.
-Once again guards were causing havok (fixed again).
-Support for all different CC and speed manipulating effects, and mounts.
-Minor UI Fixes, like annoying bugs on window snap system.
-Generally smoother DrawScene routine, also using new fancy OpenGL features.
-Raised capped FPS to 60.
-New MSI installer on website.
-Fixed some bugs on Updater.exe.
-Updated TLS/SSL to latest.
-Updated UI routines.

Version 0.4 RC1.866
-Added skill theory and practice ranks to the skills window.
-Added total skill factor (TSF) indicator to the skills window.
-Fixed line of sight in forest.
-Fixed numerous errors and bugs in crafting.
-Allow moving the main window on other screens.
-Fixed flickering inventory when selecting an item.
-Guards are now returning their post after causing mayhem and murdering all intruders.

Version 0.4 RC1.863
-Login is now quite stable, doesn't seem to cause disconnects to other players anymore.
-Map loading final version on login, and it is fast.
-Server stability improvements, doesn't crash or get stuck after possible errors.
-Skills max theory level is now 6.
-Trade skills are now gaining when selling or buying items.
-Fixed couple visual glitches on inventory screen.
-Server save process is now faster and more stable, and many realtime DB updates like skill gains has been moved to save procedure.
-Fixed bug when you couldn't use any spellbooks and learn any spells.

Major version 0.4 RC1.8
-Info log has now separated tabs for different actions.
-Default window positions and sizes should make more sense now. They are now defined by screen size (need testing with different setups).
-General cleaning of the code. Lot of optimizations and improvements.
-Once a mob strikes you, the game checks which part of your body the blow hits, the armor on that area will be damaged.
-You can now repair your items on vendor (cost is defined by item quality and damage).
-Spell and Item systems overhauled (better and faster code on server side). -Stackable resource items.
-Crafting system overhauled, including now support for stacking resource items.
-Memory optimization, client now frees memory aggressively, after logon and ~30 seconds usage is around 100MB.
-Fixed several memory leaks.
-Fixed stiff and warping movement.
-Skin selector. Located in options menu. Default style is "FalloutStyle" style. Other good canditate is "HeroesStyle".
-Buff/Debuff icons.
-Buff/Defuff information panel.
-New target and npc infos.
-Main" Windows can't be located outside of the screen bounds (should prevent them to disappear out of reach).
-All around nicer look, and debug information has been removed.
-Item qualities, will increase/decrease stats by it.
-Item durability, will increase/decrease stats by it (keep your gear repaired).
-Item repairing, depending of your skills, items will lose max durability and quality levels eventually.
-Items will take damage, and so every item will get destroyed in the end, keeping also economy fresh someday.
-Item crafting quality, skills are effectting to it. Crafted item is always minimum of decent quality.
-Hit indicators are now showing for a second.
-Windows snapping is now more accurate.
-Skills are divided to Theory and Practice skills. (Theory will be learned by time and practice by using).
-Skill effect is combine of Theory and Practice part of it.
-Spell mastery will increase by using them.
-Sheeps will stay dead when they are killed (bastards didn't die, only got shored).
-Title bar now shows information about your character, like EXP, Stats, damage etc. and Theory skill training time.
-Client is now using more GPU instead of CPU.
-Some Monster LOS improvements.
-Added shortcut keys for most used windows.
-You can drag windows from anywhere of the form. (Not only from title/caption bar).
-You can close windows by right clicking on it.
-Fixed wrong attributes for some item types.
-Cleaned iteminfo panels.
-Refreshing an inventory after moving the inventory window.
-Deselect target by right clicking your character.
-Server side crash fixes and omptimizations.
-Login is again slightly faster.
-Web links on a main menu will be opened with your default browser now.
-Changed font in a hurry since to end of support of the previous one. Current: Book Antiqua.
-Completed the database code to use the FireDac.
-Improvements to the updater, it now shows version info, also download and updating progress.
-Some minor fixes and improvements I don't remember.

Version 0.4 RC1.78
-Fixed server command distribution for clients (very important fix!).
-Fixed inventory refresh after returning to game.
-Fixed showing a corpse after killing mobs with a spell.
-Final version of the computer spec analyzer.

Version 0.4 RC1.77
-Improved server command queue.
-Item quality modifier.
-Fixed one bug what caused lots of DC's and crashes on server side.

Version 0.4 RC1.76
-Login session overhaul.
-SQL handling overhaul in generally.
-Couple minor glitch fixes on client side.

Version 0.4 RC1.75
-Fixed latency and FPS indicators.
-Fixed freezing when pinging the server.
-Added separate window for FPS and Latency. Also made some fancy system analyzers.
-More improvements to window snapping and positioning.

Version 0.4 RC1.74
-Forms are snapping better to each other.
-Refreshing improvements.
-Monster Line of Sight is now better and more detailed (should also prevent mobs to shoot through walls).

Version 0.4 RC1.73
-New graphics for monsters (Thanks Nicola again).
-Some npc graphics and monster variations.

This is a first part of the new graphical look.
This update contains:
-New graphics for weapons and armors, both inventory and character (Thanks to Nicola for the new GFX)
-Lots of new land tiles (Handmade by me :D)
-Changed music format to OGG (files are about 3 times smaller).
-Capped FPS to 30 (no need for more and saves CPU).
-Fixed volume control errors.

Version 0.4 RC1.7
-Fancier hot bar.
-Summoning system.
-Dread Knight event A.I.
-Login system improvements.
-Lots of TLS related problems solved.

Version 0.4 RC1.69995
-Fixed login preventing "Wrong version number" SSL handshake error.
-Lot more TLS Fixes.
*NOTE, TLS still fails sometimes and gives errors on login process.

Version 0.4 RC1.692
-More stable connection between the server and client.
-More disconnect fixes.
-And more optimization.

Version 0.4 RC1.690
-Much faster map loading.
-Login issue fixes.
-DC fixes.
-TLS and networking improvements.

Version 0.4 RC1.686
-Enabled Transport Layer Security (TLS) V1.2.

Version 0.4 RC1.685
-Particle effects should be now much faster.

Version 0.4 RC1.684
-Some improvements to NPC path finding.
-Lot of server and client optimizations.
-MySQL optimizations.
-Fixed 0 amount and stack size bug.

Version 0.4 RC1.683
-Some kind of water effect.
-Possible gear uneguip crash fix.
-Possible crash bug fix on item sale.
-Also probably fixed odd money bug when you got millions of gold when selling something.

Version 0.4 RC1.682
-Torch particle effect.
-New potion graphics.
-Couple of minor glitch fixes.

Version 0.4 RC1.681
-Spell progression window postition and size saving.
-Fixed returning of the last quest on the quest line.

Version 0.4 RC1.68
-Spell mastery progression.
-Fixed couple of gfx glitches.
-Fixed character coordinate saving when logging out.
-Server initial load time is now about 10 times shorter.
-Finally fixed the server freeze bug (at least one of them).

Version 0.4 RC1.672
-Fast try to fix bug when crafted item goes to head slot.
-Fixed too large font on chat bubbles, also general fixes to bubble sizes.
-Small font and style changes.

Version 0.4 RC1.671
-Testing new font, should be very clear and good for eyes not with so good sight anymore.
-Fixed perk point bugs.
-Fixed trade window appearing to random people when it shouldn't.
-Some server bug fix tests.

Version 0.4 RC1.67
-Show corpses after login/re-login.
-Use double buffering to reduce flickering and to improve performance.
-Couple more server crash bugs fixed.
-Login should be now even faster.
-Try to fix server freeze bug(no guarantees, it works).

Version 0.4 RC1.666
-Fixed other player selection.
-Fixed level up to actually save it to server database.
-Adjusted moving speed of some monsters.
-Some server performance improvements.

Version 0.4 RC1.665
-Server stability fixes (need more tho).
-Fixed level up screen and level up system.
-Fixed bank vault.
-Nicer hints.
-Client down and up buffer is now 4 times larger (Does it help? I really dont know yet).
-Some minor stuff.

Version 0.4 RC1.63
-Fixed boss spawning.
-Fixed bounty quest generation database saving.
-Fixed case when only 1 gold was shown in a loot, instead of a stack.
-Fixed wrong lightlevel after you die in dungeon.
-Added Wrestling skill that increases your dodge chance by 2% per level.
-Remade other player characters memory handling (takes much less memory now).
-Fixed blinking mob names in combat.

Version 0.4 RC1.6
-Changed login screen focus on password field when username is remembered.
-Fixed character freeze bug when talking to random quest npc.
-Fixed blinking and overlapping quest windows.
-Fixed quests wrong descriptions, speak text and progress texts.
-Fixed many exploits on quest returning.
-Fixed quests going totally messed up in database.
-Made fields and support for 15 different types of quests for a future use.
-Fixed quest system generally.
-Overhauled quest system basically.
-Added an option to dock/undock windows to main window when moving it.
-Added a feature to delete a character.
-Lot of improvements to account database structure.
-New quest database design and client side code.
-Database fields for logging account's failed logins, ip's and exact times of them.
-Enabled ciphering between clients and the server.
-Added an option to enable and disable FPS and Latency meters.
-Overhauled character slot system, more realible, and fluid.
-Client now loads all maps from the server.
-Some particle effects for couple of spells.
-Character creation system remake.
-Fixed disappearing loot after killing a monster.
-Added few graphic indicators when hitting, missing, critting etc.
-Much clearer systray icon, also now it actually deletes itself quite often.
-Fixed bug when player got stuck until to next server restart when logging out in a dungeon.
-Fixed wrong global cooldown.
-Fixed spell cooldown indicators.
-Added training time bar under life, mana and stamina bars.
-Fixed boss spawning.
-Fixed bounty quest generation database saving.
-Fixed case when only 1 gold was shown in a loot, instead of a stack.
-Fixed wrong light level after you die in dungeon.
-Added Wrestling skill that increases your dodge chance by 2% per level.
-Remade other player characters memory handling (takes much less memory now).
-Fixed blinking mob names in combat.
-More lights!
-More LOS tuning.
-Tons of little fixes and adjustments.
-Font changes, generally switched to Georgia (Testing around).
-Added skill progress bar also on main window.
-Fixed campfire glowlights.

Version 0.4 RC1.54
-Adjusted old school and normal vision size to same.
-Fixed access violation error after login.

Version 0.4 RC1.53
-Fixed old school view LOS when in forest.
-Fixed slow login when client is minimized.
-Enabled ciphering, run Updater.exe manually or download client from website.

Version 0.4 RC1.52
-Frameskip option and speedboost problem after maximizing client, fixed.
-Other client freeze problems fixed.

Version 0.4 RC1.51
-Client now goes to almost total idle state when minimized, and doesn't use CPU almost at all.

Version 0.4 RC1.5
-Changed all inventory items background color to black, also some pictures are now better quality.

Version 0.4 RC1.471
-Trade system fixes and additions
-Fixed money indicator updating on item buying.
-Enabled Haggling skill (effect: your vendor price for the item is 2% less per Haggling skill level).
-Charisma will lower your vendor price, formula is: buyprice/100*(Player.charisma+Player.charismabonus)/5.
-Also fixed some price indicator problems and typos.

Version 0.4 RC1.47
-Clan master now allows you to start a clan (cost 10.000 gold).
-You can now invite other players in to your clan from clan menu.
-Claninfo panel opens from the main menu and by clicking the clan book in your inventory.

Version 0.4 RC1.46
-Made the windows system so it will get active window in front when clicking it (pet window is not doing this oO).
-Fixed launcher homepage and discord links not to open your default browser.
-Started some clan stuff coding.

Version 0.4 RC1.45
-Fixed bug on chat, it didnt show message on chat memo who you were sending it to.
-All windows are now stayontop.
-All windows change position when main window is moved.
-Fixed private messaging and bug when it went to wrong player (i'm really sorry about that).

Version 0.4 RC1.44
-Fixed access violation on skillbook learning.
-Fixed character creation bug where it didn't update the account table and character amount.

Version 0.4 RC1.43
-Fixed default game windows's settings.
-Fixed crash and mess when player dropped an item.

Version 0.4 RC1.42
-Main and inventory window are now also resizeable and movable.
Example of compact interface

-Fixed couple hotbar related bugs.

Version 0.4 RC1.41
-Game now saves windows's position and size.
-Fixed lot of UI problems again.

Version 0.4 RC1.4
-Fixed game screen refreshing while in menu.
-Fixed "speedboost" problem when switching antialias on and off.
-Added few different kind of CC's for monsters.
-Added info indicators for CC's.
-Fixed login screen mess when typing wrong password.
-Some UI tweaks and changes.

Version 0.4 RC1.3
-Fixed coordinate offset problem on moving system (added more realible check).
-Fixed server hang up bug when using public chat.
-Fixed server bug when it stopped accepting new connections after some time on idle state.
-Fixed perk and skill hints.
-Some tweaks to login time, it still takes about 30 seconds for some poeple to log in (wonder why?).
-Several minor tweaks and fixes on server side.

Version 0.4 RC1.2
-Windows flickering and overlapping fixes.
-Teleport system overhaul.
-Some checks to prevent incorrect player coordinates.
-Options savefile.
-Map loading optimization.

Version 0.4 RC1.1
-Launcher now remembers the last username.
-Better LOS in a forest.
-UI Fixes.
-Login server crash fixes.
-Fixed chat focusing problems.
-Fixed case when other players were visible out of LOS.
-Trade session redone.
-Unlogging related issues fixed.

Version 0.4 RC1
-First 0.4 Release candidate version.
-Some moving sounds for monsters and other players.

Version 0.3.999999998
-Login server improvements and game server login queue fixes.

Version 0.3.999999997
-More sound system fixes.
-Fixed online members list updating on player disconnect.

Version 0.3.999999996
-Remade item selling, it was causing itemslot mess up and was abusable.
-Possible fix for bug when crafted item goes to head slot.
-Fixed bug when player position was not saved when on worldsave.

Version 0.3.999999995
-Dozens of annoying UI bugs fixed.
-Sound system fixes.

Version 0.3.999999994
-Music is back.
-Added few moving SFX for testing purposes.
-Some minor bug and glitch fixes.

Version 0.3.999999993
-FPS should be now much better.
-New sound system implemented (sounds disabled for a while).
-Faster login.

Version 0.3.999999992
-Traps (first version). Traps will be detectable and disaramble with some skill on next version.
-Added Basic mechanical trap.
-Faster and more stable loot generation.
-Fixed glitch on launcher version info refreshing.

Version 0.3.999999991
-Fixed crash bug when killing quest objective monsters.
-Awarness skill now allow you to sense mosnters out of sight area in dungeons.
-Movement is now much more synched for all players.
-Movement system now allows slow downs and in future mount speed.
-Light sources like camp fires are now showing in dungeons.
-Fixed teleporting system, like when you couldn't enter to sewers.
-Added few tier 2 gear for mages like robes and hats.
-Lot of login optimization, its now faster but map loading is still too slow.
-Command queue on server side.
-Line of sight optimization.
-Camp A.I. is now working correctly and not causing lag due to infinite loop.
-Skill window is not showing top of the all other windows anymore.
-Fixed major bug on server side when it didn't allow players log in anymore.
-And more little fixes and tweaks i can't remember anymore.

Version 0.3.99999992
-Improved login queue.
-Fixed couple of major bugs on login and server connection code.
-Fixed staves damage indicator.
-Fixed bug after killing mob with spell and corpse is blocking your way.

Version 0.3.99999991
-Fixed bank generation on first login.
-Fixed inventory item slot etc not appearing after restoring the main window.
-Fixed some error messages on login.

-Added password for users.
-Fixed problem when restoring minimized client and main screen doesn't appear.
-Fixed login and password field disappearing after typing wrong username or password.

-Fixed launcher news refreshing.
-FPS indicator.
-Antialiasing and an option to disable it.
-Anisotropic filtering and an option to disable it.
-And more graphical improvements.
Lights and filtering

-Couple login crash/disconnect bug fixes.
-Some player movement tweaks.

-Fixed global cooldown (was 5 times too long).
-Fixed case when other players sometimes was shown on out of sight area.
-Dungeons are now dark.
-Torch reworking.
-Added latency indicator.
-Fixed invisible 2H sword GFX.
-Fixed bug when tile stayed occupied when monster was killed.
-Smoother other player character movement.
-Fixed messed up spell ids on hotbar system.
-Optimized many server side routines, like monster AI.
-Server save system overhaul (Most of things are now saved realtime).
-Lots of timer related issues fixed.
-Cleaned and optimized database code.
-Faster map data loading on login.
-Fixed client disconnect on monster using slow down ability.
-Quest system is now more stable and cleaner code (still lot of work to do with it).
-Fixed disconnect on bounty quest system when killing bounty mob.
-Lots of server crash bug fixes.
-Some threat generation problems fixed.
-Wrong visual dps indicator bug fixed on client side.
-HP, stamina and mana regen rates fixed, also wrong values fixed when calculating gear bonuses.
-Generally server should be much more stable now, need more testing with multiple clients on.

-Working SSL encryption (This is great, almost woderful).
-Some minor UI improvements and fixes.

-Wrong session ID crash bug fix.
-Security upgrades.

-First phase of the living world A.I. (Random camp making)
-Natives and goblins are now making camps with some treasures.
-More UI bug fixes.

-UI bug fixes.
-UI Visual improvements.

-Added spell(Technique) Taunt, doubles your current threat.
-Do not show empty item slot's zero sell value.
-Fixed sfx volume setting not to affect to all sounds.
-Prevent moving sfx overspam (caused some "lag").
-Reduced inventory frlickering.
-Fixed music continuing to play after login when it is turned off.
-Trying to fix player kicks when dropping items.
-Fixed messed graphic issue when dropping an item.
-Fixed messed graphic issue when taking items from a bank.

-Skillbook prices lowered.
-Fixed maul and mallet crafting.

-Some loot balancing.
-Hotbar tooltips.
-Server crash fix when player used teleport.

-Second try to fix visual gear glitch when player logs in.

-NPC loading redone.

-Added 16 inventory slots.

-Some tweaks to sound system.

-First sound(simple moving sound) test.

-New weapons added for professions.

-Master volume adjustment.
-25 new lootable weapons added(not craftable yet).
-Fixed not able to chat after dropping money bug.
-Added ranged and magical penalty to info panels.
-More stablility issues solved.
-Various other small fixes.

-Few logging bugs solved.

-Testing RSA encryption.

-Dungeon music / ambience.
-Weapon skills now gives %1 per level to hitchance.
-First try to fix visual gear glitch when player logs in.

-Fixed some UI popup window glitches.
-Fixed wrong attackspeed.

-Movable and closable stats window.
-UI Fixes.

-First items for last unused slots.

-Interface Improvements.

-Party and quest bug fixes.
-Couple problems solved when player got kicked out from the server.

-New party system (max party size is 2 until leadership skills are implemented)
-Mob kill xp is divided for party members.

-Some sort of skillpool point applying to skills (need also testing)

-Chat bubble fixes.

-Defensive stance threat mess up fix.

-More encryption testing.

-Player LOS improvements.
-Monsters shouldn't shoot trough walls anymore (need testing).
-Monster LOS improvements.

-Basic LOS for monsters.
-Fixed gathering proffesions cooldown.
-Reduced occasional warping when moving.

-Some monster can slow you down (spiders etc).
-Bee Queen Boss.

-More info about an item in craft menu.
-More wall tile GFXs.
-Heal spell effect (test).
-Fixed wrong hp and stamina values sent by a server.
-Bee hive.

-Chat bubble adjustments.
-Fixed wooden fence drop/loot problems.
-Fixed crash when skinning certain animals.
-Fixed bug when you couldn't use just made boards/bars etc.

-Nicer player, monster and object name indicator.
-Chat bubbles.


-Added few more tunes in the OST.
-Balanced soundtrack volume to not to explode your head constantly.
-New rat graphics (super important!).

-LOS adjustments
-Enabled mobs armor value.
-Server side crash fixes.

-Some boss offset fixes.
-Colored text on infomemo.

Version 0.3.9
-Bigger bosses.
-Fixed stamina and mana regeneration.

Version 0.3.89
-Fixed wrong attack speed.
-Fixed bug when pets got on to lose.
-Pets didn't follow their master after the portal, fixed.
-Some new graphics.
-Dread Knight and his minions added (A.I. coming in next patch).

Version 0.3.883
-LOS on.

Version 0.3.882
-Fixed bug when unidentified items didn't show in loot window.

Version 0.3.881
-Fixed wrong damage bonus on critical hit.
-First Boss Forguh.

Version 0.3.88
-New loot drop system based on item and mob dropchance modifiers.

Version 0.3.87
-Color name indicators for magical items.
-Added plate gloves for blacksmiths to make.
-Fixed visual bug when it didn't show willpower bonus.
-Clearer hotbar.

Version 0.3.86
-More item mess fixes.

Versions 0.3.84 and 0.3.85
-Hopefully fixed item mess when taking something out of the bank vualt.
-Magical item names now shows in bank too.
-Fixed visual (Big head) bug when inventory gfx was shown instead of paperdoll gfx.

Version 0.3.83
-Fixed monster deagroing when target goes offline.

Version 0.3.82
-Changed max stamina formula to ((CON+AGI+STR)/3)*10.

Version 0.3.81
-Fixed bug when inventory didn't get refreshed after crafting.
-Pet related fixes.
-More tries to fix "invisible monster" bug.

Version 0.3.8
-Full stamina implement.
-Techniques (warrior spells) now uses stamina instead of mana.
-Techniques doesn't check spell success chance when casted (no fails).
-Stamina regeneration is calculated by endurance skill level * 4.
-Some fixes to prevent players to drop from server.

Version 0.3.7
-Fixed halting monster path finding.
-Fixed non attackking pets.
-Fixed lot of login issues.
-Reduced UI flickering.
-Client crash fixes.

Version 0.3.69
-Some UI fixes.

Version 0.3.68
-Shearing fixes.
-Tailoring profession.

Version 0.3.67
-Sheep shearing.
-Housing/construction bug fixes.

Version 0.3.66
-Performance tweaks.
-Animal penning.

Version 0.3.65
-Animal pen (wooden fence).

Version 0.3.64
-Anti speedhack testing.
-Some UI fixes.

Version 0.3.63
-Support for secondary item bonuses.
-Added item indetification skill to determinate secondary bonuses.
-Total overhaul of server cycle timing.

Version 0.3.62
-Fixed attack mode staying busy after equipping gear.

Version 0.3.61
-Fixed bug when crafted items didn't get basic bonuses.
-Better skillbased chance to get magical and exceptional item by crafting.

Version 0.3.60
-AudioUpdater.exe audio (music only now) updater, not necessary to use.
-Possible invisible monster bug fix.
-Server side crash fixes.

Version 0.3.59
-Fixed LOS problem when in forest.

Version 0.3.58
-Fixed chest miss bug (did not open the chest).
-Chests can be found only in dungeons.
-Fixed no loot bug if mob died to bleeding.
-Many crash bug fixes.
-Better random dungeon generator.

Version 0.3.57
-Fixed 0 damage balanced stance bug.
-Enabled mouse clicking on hotkeybar.

Version 0.3.56
-3 stances, balanced, defensive and offensive.

Version 0.3.55
-Fixed disappearing and unreachable perks window.
-Better Updater.exe (uses build in unzipper).
-Fixed bugged skill injection when they crashed skills form.

Version 0.3.54
-LOS optimization.
-Chest open bug fix.
-Fixed ranged and magic penalty.
-Fixed bug when player armor was 0.
-More server stability fixes.

Version 0.3.53
-Fixed issue when you could not see other player name.
-Fixed player coordinate saving when disconnecting.
-Removed music and sound effects.
-Fixed issue when someone logged in and your chat message typing interrupted.
-Some stability fixes.

Version 0.3.52
-FOW is back.
-Made check for characters coordinate correction.
-Added some music and effect sounds (testing).
-Fixed couple server crashes.

Version 0.3.51
-Added random bounty quest npc.
-Fixed consumable cooldown.
-Fixed hp regeneration when eating food.

Version 0.3.50
-Fixed bug when item id was wrong in player inventory after buying it.

Version 0.3.49
-Fixed some spell issues and mailbox.

Version 0.3.48
-Optimization, bug and crash fixes.

Version 0.3.47
-Added slam and shield mastery spells.

Version 0.3.43-0.3.46
-Server side fixes and tweaks.

Version 0.3.42
-Fixed buggy perk window.

Version 0.3.40-0.3.41
-More quest system fixes.

Version 0.3.37-0.3.39
-Quest system fixes.

Version 0.3.36
-Fixed money dropping.

Version 0.3.35
-Fixed stack deleting issue when using item.

Version 0.3.34
-More bug fixes.

Version 0.3.33
-Some performance updates and bug fixes.

Version 0.3.32
Professions now gives XP.

Versions 0.3.30-0.3.31
-Performance fixes.

Version 0.3.28
-Fixed line of sight glitches.
-New quest system-

Version 0.3.27
-Fishing profession.

Version 0.3.26
-New map.

\r\nVersion 0.3.25
-More performance tweaks.

Version 0.3.24
-Fixed disconnecting problems.

Version 0.3.23
-Added few 2-handed weapons and craftable by blacksmith.
-Added bow crafting under carpentry.

Version 0.3.22
-Performance fixes.

Version 0.3.21
-No more hbitmaps directory.
-Wandering monsters.

Version 0.3.20
-Casting monsters.

Version 0.3.19
-Fixed clan memberlist hassle when new member joins.
-Shows your own character name now.

Version 0.3.18
-Clan master can invite members to the clan.

Version 0.3.17
-More clan related code (Still not ready).

Version 0.3.16
-New mail indicator.

Version 0.3.15
-Tweaks to moving system.
-Fixed skill training complete notification.
-Better mailing system.

Version 0.3.14
-Fixed crashing loginserver.
-Loot window fix.

Version 0.3.13
-Couple visual and UI fixes.

Version 0.3.12
-Various bug fixes.

Version 0.3.11
-More clan code (not ready yet).
-Resource deposits.

Version 0.3.10
-Clan creation.

Version 0.3.09
-Farming profession.

Version 0.3.08
-Leatherworking profession.
-Added lots of craftable items for other professions.
-Various tweaks to magical crafting system.
-Added chance to craft exceptional items.
-Fixed bug when hints did not show.

Version 0.3.07
-UI fixes.

Version 0.3.06
-Base system for crafting magical items.

Version 0.3.05
-Added couple new mobs.

Version 0.3.04
-Added colored combat texts into log.

Version 0.3.03
-Some tweaks.

Version 0.3.02
-Chat related fixes.

Version 0.3.01
-Fixes to crafting system.

Version 0.3.00
-New crafting code(material stacks are still disabled).

Version 0.2.99
-And more bug fixes.

Version 0.2.98
-Visual glitch fixes.

Version 0.2.97
-Couple bug fixes.

Version 0.2.96
-Fixed mainform focusing problem.
-Data compression.

Version 0.2.95
-Small performance improvements and UI fixes.
-Str effects to mining and lumberjacking and dex to skinning.
-Added more info to items.

Version 0.2.94
-Fixed player selection bug.

Version 0.2.93
-Fixed chat crash.

Version 0.2.92
-Fixed bugged bleed system.

Version 0.2.91
-Fixed other player selection bug.
-Fixed heal spell.

Version 0.2.90
-More various bug fixes.

Version 0.2.89
-More bug fixes.

Version 0.2.88
-Fixed couple visual glitches.

Version 0.2.87
-Trying to fix random disconnects.
-Fixed moving related crashes.

Version 0.2.86
-Trying to fix moving related crash.

Version 0.2.85
-Mail system still buggy but small messages can be send.

Version 0.2.84
-Fixed lots of mail system bugs.

Version 0.2.83
-Fixed private messaging.

Version 0.2.82
-Fixed level up bugs.
-Fixed npc respawn bug crash.

Version 0.2.81
-Added mailbox and simple mail system.
-Private messaging system.
-Fixed various annoying bugs on UI.

Version 0.2.80
-Fixed little bug when buying items.
-Prevent players to make characters with already taken names.

Version 0.2.79
-Autoaccount creation.
-Fixed few access violation errors.

Version 0.2.78
-Added protecting npc guards.
-Fixed bug when monsters speed was wrong.
-Simple guard AI.

Version 0.2.77
-Player sync corrections.
-Animal taming.
-Simple pet AI.

Version 0.2.76
-Gender fixes.

Version 0.2.75
-Added genders.

Version 0.2.74
-Fixed random quest glitches.

Version 0.2.73
-Fixed wrong block chance %.
-Added Blockade perk.

Version 0.2.72
-Fixed Torch related glitches.

Version 0.2.71
-Fixed perk reset point allocation bug.

Version 0.2.70
-Stable release

Version 0.2.47
-Fixed stopping training and regeneration counters.

Version 0.2.46
-Added questlog (F2).

Version 0.2.45
-Random quest generator prototype.
-Fixed some wrong player coordinate problems.
-Added 8 more bag slots.

Version 0.2.44
-Fixed crashes and random disconnects when player is logging out.
-Added charisma modifiers to tradeskills and general selling and buying.

Version 0.2.43
-Added Scribing skill and tools and items for it.

Version 0.2.42
-Fixed some torch related problems.
-Added couple trading skills and merchant vendor.
-Other small UI related fixes.

Version 0.2.41
-Added forge and anvil what you need for many professions.
-Fixed some annoying UI glitches.
-You cant see other players if they are out of sight anymore.

Version 0.2.40
-Added particle effect to heal spell.
-Fixed crash when opening chests.

Version 0.2.39
-You can now scroll chat, info and skills panel with mouse wheel.

Version 0.2.38
-Server is not spamming hp and mana update to clients anymore.

Version 0.2.37
-Couple fixes where players coordinates went wrong.

Version 0.2.36
-Server crash fixes.

Version 0.2.35
-Trying to solve couple server crashes.

Version 0.2.34
-More fixes to movement system.

Version 0.2.33
-Fixes to new movement system.
-Fixed cooking.
-Couple visual glitch fixes.

Version 0.2.32
-Smoother player and monster movement.

Version 0.2.31
-Crash and stablity fixes.
-Fixed too low hitrating for players from skillbonus.
-Random monsters didnt respawn.
-All monsters drop random loot now.
-Fixed equipping bug when you picked up player dropped item.
-Added threat indicator.

Version 0.2.30
-Fixed blinking inventory when using skillbooks.
-Fixed access violation error with storage manager and healer.
-Fixed too high critical damage for player.
-Fixed too high ranged penalty from the gear.
-Fixed wrong miss percent with weapons.
-You can see monster healthbar if your anatomy skill is over 4.
-You can see monster level based hitpenalty % if your anatomy skill is 5.
-Better vendor handling.

Version 0.2.29
-New visual style.
-You can open the stash only from tile next to it.
-Lot of visual glitch fixes.
-Added few more items.
-Changed colors of labels like magical, requirements and bonuses of items.

Version 0.2.28
-Fixed buggy heal spell.
-Enabled particle engine.
-Fixed too fast mana regeneration.

Version 0.2.27
-Client now adjust to screen resolution.
-Fixed wrong potions cooldown.
-Added couple more items.
-You can unequip gear now from slots (finally).
-Added missing graphics for the client.

Version 0.2.26
-Added melee weapon speciality skills.
-Added those skillbooks to trainer vendor.

Version 0.2.25
-Tons of stash bug fixes.

Version 0.2.24
-Stash prototype.

Version 0.2.23
-Started to work on stash. not yet implemented tho.
-Fixed item info panel moving out of sight on vendor inventory.
-Ore and bar enchanting skill.
-Fixed wrong slots for plate and ring arms.
-Added possibility to craft enchanted steel bars and plate armors.

Version 0.2.22
-Fixed item decay on ground.
-Fixed chat letters what showed ? instead correct one.
-Try to fix "ghost" characters who are disconnected.

Version 0.2.21
-Fixed closing inventory and chat panel after level up.
-Fixed couple weapons what hitrange was 0.

Version 0.2.20
-Even Better stability for multiple players online.
-Fixed wrong hitchance bonuses for weapons.
